Dance Local

2 Morristown Rd
Bernardsville, NJ 07924

Contact: Meg Regan,

  • large rectangular dancing space of over 900 square feet (approximately 42’ x 23’), 32 feet of mirrors along inside wall

  • two Sonos One SL™ wireless smart speakers, pair with any mobile device over WiFi, no cords/adapters needed

  • two bathrooms private to the studio

  • 3 large windows and a 9 paned glass door face patio entrance, curtains available

  • private patio with hanging strings of bistro lights and seating for adults and children

  • dance local is an ADA compliant space, including wheelchair accessible bathrooms and elevator available

  • 2 emergency exits, both with access to safe grassy areas shared with building tenants (kid friendly businesses)

  • our floor is wall to wall black Harlequin Allegro™ marley, with a support layer of 1/2” foam rubber puzzle tile flooring underneath

  • the floor is vacuumed, dry mopped then wet mopped and disinfected regularly

  • it’s a great surface for any type of barefoot, socked, and soft shoed dance forms - street shoes and heels are not permitted

  • remote controlled color changing LED lights and black lights line the studio walls, plus a party “disco” light hangs from ceiling

  • 6 foot folding tables (2 kid sized and 2 regular), benches, stools, and coat trees available for use

  • temporary decorations and artwork are hung with white painter’s tape, available at studio


Studio 108